Дистанційне навчання 10 клас

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23.04.2020                   10  Form   English   School 27        
Факультативне  заняття
Тема: Підготовка до ЗНО.
Мета: повторити лексичниц та граматичний матеріал; практикувати  вживанні граматичних конструкцій; удосконалювати навички аудіювання, читання та письма.
                                                                      Хід заняття

1.Watch  video  lessons  on the platform"EdEra" - Ізі ЗНО-  (Курс) - Модуль 5. - 
2. Revise the rules about pronouns.

Англійська граматика у зручних таблицях
3.Do  some  grammar  tests :.
2). https://speaknow.com.ua/ru/test/grammar

4. Reading. 
1) Level B1Read the text " Free Time" -  https://www.examenglish.com/B1/b1_reading_free_time.htm
2). Level B2 - Read " An  email from a friend"  and  do  2 tasks:

22.04.2020                   10  Form   English   School 27

Тема: Крикет-улюблений вид спорту англійців.
Мета: активізувати лексику з теми; практикувати учнів в аудіюванні, читанні та усному мовленні; повторити часи групи Simple.
                                                                 ХІД УРОКУ
Cricket Rules & How To Play Cricket                                                                                                       

1. Watch an interesting video " How to play cricket?"- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEbOL09ACww
2. Read the text about cricket and watch about Basic Rules of Cricket -  

Cricket is a sport which is played between two teams of eleven players each who score runs (points). This is done by hitting the ball across the boundary, or by running between two sets of three small, wooden posts called wickets.
the wickets are at each end of a rectangle of short grass called 'the pitch'. The pitch is inside a much larger oval of grass called the 'area of play'. The area of play is a 30 yard circle inside the cricket ground or stadium.[1]
The game started in England in the 16th century. The earliest definite reference to the sport is in a court case of 1598.[2] The court in Guildford heard a coroner, John Derrick, that when he was a scholar at the "Free School at Guildford", fifty years earlier, "he and diverse of his fellows did run and play [on the common land] at cricket and other players".[3][4] Later, the game spread to countries of the British Empire in the 19th and 20th centuries. Today, it is a popular sport in England, AustraliaIndiaPakistanSri LankaBangladeshSouth AfricaNew Zealand, the West Indies and several other countries such as AfghanistanIrelandKenyaScotland, the Netherlands, and Zimbabwe.

Результаты поиска

Выделенное описание из Интернета

Basic Rules Of Cricket
  1. Cricket is played between two teams each made up of eleven players. ...
  2. Games comprise of at least one innings where each team will take turns in batting and fielding/bowling.
  3. The fielding team will have a bowler bowl the ball to the batsman who tries to hit the ball with their bat.
          There are two teams: The team bowling has 11 players on the field. The team batting has two players, one at each end of the wicket. The rest of the batting team are off the field. Runs are got after a ball is bowled, mostly by hitting the ball and running, or by hitting the ball over the boundary,cricket has about 5-6 bowlers in each team there is 1 wicketkeeper and fielders catch the ball when it comes to them.The wicketkeeper can hit the wicket with the ball if the batsman is out of the line that is called as stumped.There is one referee in the middle called as umpire who decides everything like out or notout or six or four.
The captain of the bowling team chooses a bowler from his team; the other players are called 'fielders'. The bowler is trying to aim the ball at a wicket, which is made up of three sticks (called stumps) stuck into the earth, with two small sticks (called bails) balanced on them. One of the fielders, called the 'wicket keeper', stands behind the wicket to catch the ball if the bowler misses the wicket. The other fielders may chase the ball after the batsman has hit it.
The bowler runs towards his wicket, and bowls towards the batsman at the other wicket. He does not throw the ball. He bowls the ball overarm with a straight arm. If he bends his arm, the other teams are given one run and he has to bowl the ball again. An 'over' is six balls, meaning he bowls six times. Then another player becomes the bowler for the next over, and bowls from the other end, and so on. The same bowler cannot bowl two overs one after the other.
The batsman is trying to defend the wicket from getting hit with the ball. He does this with a bat. When he hits the ball with his bat, he may run toward the other wicket. To score a run, the two batsmen must both run from their wicket to the other wicket, as many times as they can, before they can be run out. Being run out is explained below. If the ball leaves the field after being hit without bouncing, six runs are scored. If the ball rolls or bounces out, whether or not the batter hit it, it counts as four runs.
There are different ways that a batsman can get out. The most common ways are:
  • The batsman misses the ball and the ball hits the wicket: called bowled, or being "bowled out".
  • The ball hits the batsman's body when it would have hit the wicket otherwise. Called LBW (leg before wicket). The way this rule is applied is complicated; this is just the general idea.
  • A fielder catches the ball after the batsman hits it, and before it bounces or leaves the field: called caught.
  • While the batsmen are running, a fielder can throw the ball at the wicket. If the batsmen cannot finish the run in time, and the ball hits the wicket, the batsman nearer to the wicket that is hit is out: this is called run out.
When a batsman is out, another comes onto the field to take his place. The innings is over when ten wickets are taken (i.e. ten of the eleven batsmen are out). After this, the team which was the 'fielding' team becomes the 'batting' team. They now have to score more runs than the other team managed to score. If they score more runs before ten wickets are taken, they win. If they do not, the other team wins.
In a one-day game, each side has one innings, and innings are limited to a certain number of overs. In longer formats each side has two innings, and there is no specific limit to the number of overs in an innings.
2. Exercise 2 page 207 ( in an oral form).
3. Exercise 3 page 207.  Write the translation of  the phrases into your  vocabularies.
4. Listening.  Exercise 4, 5 page 207.
( Дивись аудіододіток до уроку).
5. Exercise 6 page 208. Do  the Sports Quiz  ( in an oral form).
6. Revise the table( таблиця)  about The Present Simple , the Past Simple, the Future Simple Tenses and do the task 
стенди та карти для кабінету англійської мови
7. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова в одному з таких часів: Present, Past, Future Simple; Present, Past Continuous.

1. Where your brother (to work)? — He (to work) at an institute.
 2. Your grandmother (to sleep) when you (to come) home yesterday?
 3. What your brother (to do) tomorrow?
 4. I (not to go) to the shop yesterday. I (to go) to the shop
 5. Where Kate (to go) when you (to meet) her yesterday? 
6. Look at these  children: they (to skate) very well. 
7. You (to skate) last Sunday? — Yes, we (to skate) the whole day last Sunday. We (to skate) again next Sunday. 
8. My brother can skate very well. He (to skate) every Sunday.
 9. What you (to do) now? I (to wash) the dishes. 
10. What you (to do) at three o’clock yesterday? — I (to have) dinner. 
11. You (to have) dinner now? 
12. Every day the boss (to enter) the office at nine o’clock
8. Homework
1). Exercise 7 , 8 page 208- 209 ( written).
2) Repeat the rules about Simple Tenses.

15.04.2020                      10  Form   English   School 27 

Тема: Розвиток  граматичних навичок.
Мета: повторити вживання майбутнього  простого, майбутнього тривалого і теперішнього тривалого часу; активізувати лексику уроку; практикувати учнів в аудіювання та письмі.
                                                                  Хід уроку
1. Повторіть вживання:
1). The Future Simple Tense- Майбутній  простий час
Future simple примеры образования предложений и ситуации их ...

2).The Future Continuous Tense- Майбутній тривалий час
The Future Continuous - На Отлично!3). The Present Continuous Tense - Теперішній тривалий час
English Grammar: Present Continuous | Английская грамматика ...
2. Watch a video lesson and repeat  the vocabulary -
Sports Matching worksheet

3. Exercise 1 page 203( in an oral form).
4.  Exercise 2, 3 page 204( in a written form).
5. Read and  remember the usage of these verbs: play /  go /  do.

                           Go, play or  do a sport?

When you invite a person to do sports with you, you must use a verb GO, PLAY or DO with different sports.
-         GO with individual sports, sports you can do alone
-         Ex. Do you want to go jogging with me?
PLAY with team sports (you need a partner), competitive sports (you play to win!)
Ex. Do you want to play soccer with me?
DO with martial arts, like karate
Ex. Do you want to do karate with me?

Look and  remember the usage of these verbs: play /  go /  do.

table tennis
6.Do an intersting test -
Exercise 4 , 5 page 205 ( in a written form).
7. Homework
1).Exercise 6  page 206 ( in a written form).
2).  Complete the table.
Sport / Activities

13.04.2020                      10  Form   English   School 27 

Тема : Спортсмени. Види спорту.
Мета:вдосконалювати навички усного мовлення й читання; розвивати культуру спілкування, мовленнєву реакцію й логічне мислення учнів; виховувати правильне ставлення до спорту, а також загальну культуру учнів.
                                                                Хід уроку

1.  Watch  a video lesson about sport - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rt5eogxnNGw
2. Read some information from the Internet page about sport in Ukraine and say if people in our country have got many opportunities to keep active with sport. Can we be proud of our sports achievements?


When it comes to sport, most Ukrainians are very serious. Especially when you mention soccer and the Olympic Games. When driving through the streets of Ukraine you will see many youngsters playing especially soccer and rugby, most of them play with the goal to join one of the Ukrainian clubs or teams one day.
Ukraine has made a big name for itself so far on soccer levels. In fact, Ukraine’s soccer is so impressive that they have even been the first soccer team that qualified for the 2006 World Cup Finals in Germany.
Ukraine usually also does very well at the summer Olympic Games. At the 2008 summer Olympic games, Ukraine managed to get a marvelous total of 27 me­dals. They managed to get 7 gold medals, 5 silver medals and 15 bronze medals.
For the more adventurous people living in Ukraine their lies many op­portunities waiting on weekends and in free time. Sports and activities such as diving, snow skiing, mountain climbing, mountain biking, swimming, trekking and horse riding is becoming more and more popular by the day.
Sports such as football and arm wrestling have been popular in Ukraine since the 19th century, when strongman Ukrainian wrestler Ivan Piddubny was a real legend throughout Europe. Legends of the 20th century include such names as pole vault champion Sergey Bubka (35 world records), and foot­ballers like Oleg Blohin, twice European Footballer of the Year. Ukrainian gymnasts like Larisa Latynina and Iryna Deryugina both took a haul of Olym­pic medals in their time. Latynina won 9 gold, 5 silver and 4 bronze medals! Altogether Ukrainian sportsmen have won over 400 Olympic medals so far.
Today Ukraine gives the international sports scene such names as box­ers Vitaly and Vladimir Klichko, track and field athlete Zhanna Pintusevich, tennis player Andriy Medvedev, wimmer Yana Klochkova, gymnast Anna Bezsonova, and footballer Andriy Shevchenko, who is considered something of a national hero in Ukraine

3. Write the new words and learn them.
an  achievement -  досягнення
a coach              -  тренер
a contest            - змагання
a participant       - учасник
a referee           - суддя
to achieve         - досягати
to  draw             - тягти, залучати
to hit                  - бити, ударяти
to lose                - програти
to score              - підраховувати,  забити
to play  draughts - грати в шашки
to win                   - перемагати

4. Ex. 1, 2, 3 page 202 ( in an oral form).

5. Ex.  4, 5 page 202-203 ( in a written form).

6.  Do this task -  https://learningapps.org/2090761

7. Read some information about the most famous Ukrainian sportsmen and discuss what lead them to success.
Date of birth: 29 September 1976 (Dvirkivshchyna, Kyivska oblast, Ukrainian SSR).
Andriy Shevchenko is a Ukrainian footballer who plays for Dynamo Kyiv and the Ukraine national team as a striker. He is the third-highest scorer in the history of European club competition with 63 goals. The most prestigious of Andriy’s awards were the Golden Ball and the UEFA Cham­pions League in 2003 with Milan.
Dates of birth: Vladimir — 25 March 1976 (Semipalatinsk, Kazakh SSR), Vitali — 19 July 1971 (Belovodsk, Kirghiz SSR) in family of Ukrainians.
Vitali Klitschko, older brother, is the current WBC world heavyweight champion. He has the highest knockout percentage (95%) of any heavy­weight boxing champion in overall fights and has never been knocked out or knocked down in any professional boxing bout. His younger brother, Vladimir Klitschko, is a Ukrainian heavyweight boxer.
Date of birth: 15 August 1978 (Donetsk, Ukrainian SSR).
Liliya Podkopayeva is the 1996 Olympic all-around champion. She is widely regarded as one of the best gymnasts in history. She is the proud owner of 45 gold, 21 silver and 14 bronze medals.
Date of birth: 29 July 1984 (Kyiv, Ukrainian SSR).

Anna Bessonova is the number one rhythmic gymnast in Ukraine. She won the bronze individual all around medals at the 2008 Beijing and 2004 Athens Olympics. Over the course of her career she has won 24 World Championship medals, 2 Olympic medals, 24 European Championship med­als and 10 World Cup medals (60 in total).
Date of birth: 4 December 1963 (Lugansk, Ukrainian SSR).
Serhiy Bubka is six times world champion (between 1983 and 1997), European champion in 1986 and Olympic champion in 1988. He broke the world record for men’s pole vaulting 35 times. He was the first to clear 6.0 metres and the first and only to clear 6.10 metres (20 ft). He holds the current outdoor world record of 6.14 metres in 1994 in Italy and the cur­rent indoor world record of 6.15 meters, set in 1993 in Donetsk, Ukraine.
Date of birth: 7 August 1982 (Simferopol, Crimea, Ukrainian SSR). Yana Klochkova is a Ukrainian swimmer, who has won five Olympic medals. 4 gold medals came in the 200 meter individual medley and the 400 meter individual medley at the 2000 and 2004 Summer Olympics. Her silver medal came in the 800 meter freestyle at the 2000 Summer Olympics.
Date of birth: 22 April 1974 (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukrainian SSR).

Vasyl Virastyuk is a strongman competitor from Ukraine. He competed in the finals of the World’s Strongest Man contest in 2003 (3rd place) and 2004 (1st place). As well he won the 2007 IFSA Strongman World Championship.

8. Homework 
Ex. 5  page 203
Learn new words page 202

09/04/2020                            10  Form   English   School 27             (Факультативне заняття)
Тема: Підготовка до ЗНО.
Мета :  повторити вивчений лексико-граматичний матеріал;  удосконалювати навички аудіювання, письма, читання .
                                                     Хід заняття

1. Watch  a video  about  London and relax:

2. Watch  video  lessons  on the platform"EdEra" - Ізі ЗНО-  (Курс) - Модуль 4. - 
Do   Module Test!!!!
3. Тренувальні тести ЗНО -онлайн https://www.iznotest.info/noun-imennik/

08.04.2020                                     10  Form   English   School 27

Тема: Спорт і  дозвілля.
Мета: формувати лексичні навички  з теми; вдосконалювати навички читання й усного мовлення; розвивати мовну здогадку й мовленнєву реакцію учнів; виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань.
Хід уроку

1. Write and learn the new words: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMKlF7UdGkE

a cricket  -  крикет
an injury  - травма
jogging  -   біг підтюбцем,  пробіжка
riding  -  їзда, верхова їзда
sailing  -  плавання
a sport event  -  спортивна подія
to  kick -  ударяти ногою
to  be in the open  - бути на відкритому повітрі
a load  of  rubbish -  купа  сміття
to stay  fit -  залишатися у формі

Загальні види спорту

 Archery Стрільба з луку
 Badminton Бадмінтон
 Cricket Крікет
 Cycling Їзда на велосипеді
 Darts Дартс
 Football Футбол
 Golf Гольф
 Horse racing Скачки
 Snooker Снукер (один з видів більярдної гри)
 Squash Сквош
 Table Tennis Настільний теніс
 Tennis Теніс
Контактні види спорту
 Boxing Бокс
 Judo Дзюдо
 Rugby Регбі
 Wrestling Рестлінг
Водні види спорту
 Angling/fishing Рибалка
 Canoeing Гребля
 Kayaking Сплав
 Rowing Гребля
 Water Skiing Катання на водних лижах
 Sailing Вітрильний спорт
Зимові види спорту

 Curling Керлінг
 Ice Skating Катання на ковзанах
 Skiing Катання на лижах
2.Ex. 1 page 198 
3. Watch a video lesson :

4. Ex. 3 page 198-200 ( in a written  form).

5. Do Ex. 4 page 200 ( True / False sentences) in a written form.

6. Ex. 5 page 200 ( in a written form).

Ex.6, 7 page 201

 У В А Г А !    
                              Учні  10  класу!

Пропоную  всім бажаючим  взяти участь у шкільній Всеукраїнській  дистанційній  олімпіаді з англійської мови "Всеосвіта Весна 2020".
Отримання  цікавих завдань та внесення ваших відповідей з 10 березня до 22 травня  2020 року.
Ціна - лише 20 грн.

Хто бажає перевірити свої знання, будь ласка, перейдіть за цим посиланням : 
на сайт "Всеосвіта".


                                           Учні 10 класу!!!!
08.04.2020 року - пройдіть тест  з англійської мови  до 15:00 на сайті "На урок".
Код  доступу : 517441
Результати тесту повідомлю вам у групу!

                         06.04.2020  10  клас Англійська мова КЗШ№27

Тема:  Тематичне оцінювання з теми "Світ мистецтва".
Мета:  Перевірити рівень мовної та мовленнєвої компетенції учнів за темою.
                                                                         Хід уроку

1. Task 1 Read the text below. Match choices (A–H) to (1–5). There are three choices you do not need to use.  
                                 When is the Mona Lisa not the Mona Lisa?
 1 ______________ How many Mona Lisa paintings do you think there are in the world today? Just the one? I don’t think so. The truth is that there are probably many, many Mona Lisa’s hanging on walls or in studios. Of course only one was painted by Leonardo Da Vinci but the art of copying or, if you can call it by its legal term, ‘forgery’ is very common in the art world. 2 ______________ Historically, the purpose of art was for historical reference, religious inspiration, or simple enjoyment. Most of the time no one cared who painted the paintings. This is why we find it difficult to identify the artists behind some of the greatest older paintings. 3 ______________ However, from around the 16th century, money found its way into the hands of rich individuals. These individuals, as a means of showing their place in society or a knowledge of art, drastically increased the demand for art. Suddenly more artists were needed and people competed to buy the paintings of certain artists. These created people whose job was to buy and sell paintings. It also created galleries and auction houses. Suddenly art was a business and at its centre was money. 4 ______________ As it became more and more important to decide how to value a painting or a work of art, dealers and collectors needed to create a system to value a painting. One way of doing this was by identifying an artist. If a painting was by Da Vinci then it would be exceedingly expensive. If it was a painting by one of his students it would be far cheaper. Now it was important for artists to sign their works so that they could be identified. 5 ______________ Today, dealers and auction houses employ specialists who are skilled at identifying forgeries. However, whilst copying is central to learning the art of Art, Art will continue to create the same people that damage it, the forgers. So don’t expect there ever to be one Mona Lisa. 

 A Dealers looked for the name of an artist on the painting 
B There are many forgeries in the world today 
C Copying is an important tradition in the Art World 
D Laws make copying a crime
E Why were paintings painted? 
F Not all forgeries are found 
G Art makes its own criminals

2. Task 2   Read the texts below. For questions (33 – 42) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

                                                 Australia is cool 

One of the most (33) _____ business success story in Paris these days is the Australian Bookshop. Since the shop opened two years ago, French interest in Australian literature (34) _____. Located in the heart of the city's literary (35) _____, the shop (36) _____ by Elaine Lewis, from Sydney. Lewis said she couldn't find books by Australian writers on Paris shelves, so she resolved (37) _____ the situation.

 33    A surprised                   B surprise             C surprising            D surprisingly

34    A has grown                  B grew                  C is growing            D will be growing
35    A place                          B district               C area                     D part
36    A was run                      B ran                    C is being run          D is run
37    A remedying                  B to remedy         C to remedying        D to have remedied

                                                   Playing with marbles

If you (38) _____ to the British Museum in London, you will be familiar (39) _____ the Elgin Marbles. They are one of the (40) _____ key exhibits on show in the Duveen Gallery, a grand extension to the Museum which was (41) _____ built to exhibit them. The Elgin Marbles are also referred to as the Parthenon Marbles. They are a collection of sculptures, (42) _____ by many artists and critics to be the finest examples of Ancient Greek art there are.

38     A  have been            B will be                   C were                  D had been

39     A   with                     B to                           C of                      D at
40     A   Museum             B Museums’              C Museum's         D Museums
41     A   special                B specially                C specializingly    D especially
42     A having considered     B considers        C considering        D considered

3. Task 3 Choose  the correct  tense : Past Perfect  or Past Perfect Continious :


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